M7 Naas to Newbridge Motorway Improvement Update

The contractor SIAC Colas JV has informed Kildare County Council and TII that, subject to favourable weather conditions and completion of all necessary activities, three lanes will be available to traffic on the M7/N7 Eastbound carriageway from Junction 10 (Naas South) through to Junction 8 (Johnstown), from Monday the 17th of June 2019.
Motorists are advised that the reduced temporary speed limit of 60kph will remain in place while works are ongoing at locations along the verge/hard shoulder.
It is anticipated that on week commencing the 24th of June 2019, three lanes will be available Westbound from Junction 8 (Johnstown) to Junction 10 (Naas South). 
At that time the temporary speed limit will be increased on both the Eastbound and Westbound carriageways to 80kph between Junction 8 (Johnstown), to Junction 10 (Naas South).
Lane restrictions and the 60kph temporary speed limit will remain in place in both directions between Junction 10 (Naas South) and Junction 11 (M7/M9 merge) until further notice.
For further information in relation to the scheme and ongoing progress please refer to the scheme web site www.m7upgrade.com